Saturday, March 14, 2015

{ F I T N E S S } & { A Healthy Lifestyle }



A new journey...
A new beginning...
A healthy start...
A determined heart...
I'm SUPER excited to share with y'all a new journey I've begun. I'm changing my life around - and in turn - my family's also! I'm ready to make healthier choices, to cook food that is delicious and good for us! I'm starting a new habit of working out! And, my kiddos love joining in too!
This isn't about taking all the scrumptious treats away or depriving yourself from coffee or ice cream.... But, to realize that all things in moderation is a better choice. Also, there are many choices we can make in our food on a daily basis that still taste great and are much better for our bodies.
Also, fitness... it comes easier for some than others... For me... I am NOT a runner! I am so not a fan... I would love to love it, but I just don't. I'm not going to do something every day that I hate doing. So, if you're like me in that area, choose something you ENJOY doing. Yoga, cardio, pilates, short work outs, long ones, etc. What works best for Y O U!? It's about personalizing what is best for you and your family. It's possible, trust me.
I'm going to attach a few links below. I hope you follow me on this journey and JOIN IN. I love hearing from you, I love having you apart of my team. After all, we're all in this together! ;) I've become a BeachBody coach and Shakeology lover and would love for you to join in... it is SUCH an awesome way to start your journey! :)
Ask me ANYTHING! <3
Love, Linds
BeachBody {& Shakeology}:
Mommy Fitness With Linds Site:
Twitter: @TheMrsAdams



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