Friday, January 20, 2012

{Verse 12 - Point 3}

Proverbs 31:12
"She will do him good and not evil all the days of
her life."

“She will do him good and not evil…”

The Virtuous woman’s’ husband can safely trust in her (v. 11) because he doesn’t need to worry about her being a financial “burden” & because he knows that she will do him only good, and not evil.

Proverbs 18:22
  "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor from the LORD".

 Of course, every man wants to find a “good thing” right? Who doesn’t have ego & pride and who doesn’t want the best in everything? Men & women! But when that man makes a choice to have you as his wife … what does he see in you? What DID he see in you, that he loved so much to decide he wanted to spend the rest of your lives together?

Are those things that he sought after before marriage still there? Did he find a “good thing”?

Take a second and think about your marriage. Think about you and your husbands relationship. Are you doing YOUR part? Or are you worrying about everything HE is doing wrong? That is SO easy for ME to do, for sure! I get so side tracked harping on everything he could be doing better or right… When if I would just take a breath, a step back & really look at how I’m contributing to our marriage, I would realize that this is a team effort & I need to focus on MY wrong doings and what I can improve on to become a better wife and help meet for my husband.

Think about it.

The virtuous woman deals out to her husband that which is good.  She “dishes” out to him and serves him that which is good and not evil.  She wants only God's highest & best for him.  Her life & her deeds are a constant benefit & blessing to her husband.

Are we benefitting & blessing our husbands through our actions & words?

"...All the days of her life.”

In doing good to her husband she is consistent.  She doesn't serve him that which is good one day and that which is evil the next day.  Her husband can count on her to do him good and to be a blessing to him.  He can count on her to do this today, five days from now, one year from now, ten years from now, and all the days of her life.  She is not up and down, hot and cold… wishy-washy...  Her godliness is marked with consistency. Now, don’t get me wrong… we ALL have our “bad” days… It is TOUGH to be consistent in some things, especially when it’s easier to just let that day go and not do good but do evil or say evil things to our husbands… Make it a DAILY goal to remember that we are to respect, love, honor our husbands. And, if that evil is outweighing the good … we should really get on our knees and ask the Lord to help us EVERY DAY to turn that around! Is it tough sometimes? Well, yes – we all know that. But is it POSSIBLE with the Lord on our side …. A B S O L U T E L Y!

Philippians 4:13
“I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Is the good outweighing the evil?

Just how consistent are we?

L. Adams


  1. Well Linds, this one really made me think. For one thing, when Derik and I got married we were VERY young and we definitely got married for the wrong reasons. Don't get me wrong I loved him.... but I don't think I knew what being IN LOVE really meant. I married him for the fairytale basically. He married me (and we have talked about this) because he knew he wouldn't find anyone that would treat him better. NOT because he loved me, which is why the past 5 years have been VERY difficult. We made a lot of bad decisions both seperatly and together. So I guess this one is hard bc before we got married we hadn't really thought of this through. I almost feel as if the past 5 years weren't really a marraige. More like a bunch of bad summer courtships lol (other than the kids.... Lord knows I both WANTED and LOVE my children more than I could EVER say). I know that sounds weird (and kind of awful) but we weren't where we needed to be with God in our lives and we weren't IN LOVE.
    HOWEVER, we are in this place now.... I mean, my fairytale came true. You know, not the big white house with the picket fence story.... but the one where I am married to someone who loves me the way I love him. FULLY AND COMPLETELY! So, if I had just married Derik I would say the things I sought for were a good relationship with God. Derik is VERY new in Christ... he got saved not quiet 2 years ago I guess... and he's learning.... asks a lot of questions.... but he is WILLING and has a DESIRE.... and that I LOVE and am SO thankful for. God has shown me that as long as Derik stays on the right path he will be a GREAT MAN OF GOD, and while I am both scared and nervous about this, I am also very THANKFUL. Also, I wanted a bestfriend and I think he did too. We come from similiar backgrounds... our lives were full of a lot of hurt and abandonment as children and I think that drew us to each other initially and has eventually brought us VERY close together. It seems like since he has decided that this marriage CAN work and we have put God FIRST in our relationship and lives, that this life I have always dreamed of has come true. Now I want to be the wife this study group has been talking about and am really PRAYING HARD that God will give me the tools and consistant WILLINGNESS to be what I need to be for Him and for Derik.

    Sorry I wrote a book, but I like having someone to talk to about this. It doesn't seem that there are many people that truly LOVE GOD and want to talk about His Word. So thanks for having this. Hope I haven't "talked your ear off" lol.


  2. You are precious, Beth! I love hearing your replies and long or short, trust me - I MORE than enjoy reading them and hearing your feedback. I love your honesty! I completely get where you're coming from. Marriage is WORK, period ... and even more so when your young and jump into marriage so quickly. My husband and I get that! It's challenging, but at the same time so awesome to see God work in our lives separately and then together as one! I'll be praying for you both even more specifically now! Thank you so much for your input! <3


  3. I really needed this lesson! I can get so consumed with the things I think Zak should be doing better that I forget to encourage him. We just started working with a youth group in Va, and we're both learning our new roles. It's easy for me to think I know what's best, but I need to let him be the leader and me the supporter. Thanks for the reminder!!


    1. Hey Dawn,
      Thank you so much for reading & for your feedback! It's hard sometimes not getting caught up in what needs to be changed or what we think is better. Our husbands are suppose to lead, and praise God if they are actually doing so. Now... we have to do our part! :) Praying for you and Zak and those teens!

      <3 Linds
